Ethnomath Survey 2024

University of Hawai‘i
Online Survey Consent Form

Dr. Walter Kahumoku III, Principal Investigator
Project Title: Principal Investigator

Aloha! You are being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Jared Bukarau, MS, Kaʻimi Kaiwi, MA, and Kīhei Seto, MEdEL from the College of Education EdD at the University of Hawai‘i. The results will contribute to a Consultancy Project.

What am I being asked to do?

Your participation in this project is completely voluntary. You may stop participating at any time. If you stop being in the study, there will be no penalty or loss to you.

Why is this study being done?

The purpose of my project is to help Dr. Linda Furuto and Dr. Kamuela Yong in their efforts to train teachers to increase their knowledge of culturally sustaining mathematics content. I am asking you to participate because of your knowledge of how to utilize Ethnomathematics or HCBE to teach math to your students.

What will happen if I decide to take part in this study?

The survey will consist of 31 multiple choice and open-ended questions. It will take 15-20 minutes. The survey questions will include questions like, “Did you enjoy using the campus recreational facilities? If so, why? If not, why not?” “What aspect of the recreational facilities do you use the most?” “What would you like to see changed?” The survey is accessed on a website to which I will provide you a link.

What are the risks and benefits of taking part in this study?

I believe there is little risk to you for participating in this research project. You may become stressed or uncomfortable answering any of the survey questions. If you do become stressed or uncomfortable, you can skip the question or take a break. You can also stop taking the survey or you can withdraw from the project altogether.

There will be no direct benefit to you for participating in this survey. The results of this project may help other math teachers to teach math through indigenous practices.

Results of Research:

No results will be provided to participants.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

I will not ask you for any personal information, such as your name or address. Please do not include any personal information in your survey responses. I will keep all study data secure in a locked filing cabinet in a locked office/encrypted on a password protected computer. Only my University of Hawai’i advisor and I will have access to the information. Other agencies that have legal permission have the right to review research records. The University of Hawaiʻi Human Studies Program has the right to review research records for this study.


Future Research Studies:

The data from this study will not be used or distributed for future research studies.

Questions: If you have any questions about this study, please call or email me at . You may also contact my advisor, Dr. Walter Kahumoku III, at 808-956-4244;

You may contact the UH Human Studies Program at 808.956.5007 or to discuss problems, concerns and questions, obtain information, or offer input with an informed individual who is unaffiliated with the specific research protocol. Please visit for more information on your rights as a research participant.

To Access the Survey: Please go to the following web page: ( You should find a link and instructions for completing the survey.

Going to the first page of the survey implies your consent to participate in this study.

Please print or save a copy of this page for your reference.


Consent Form Version 1 – Download as PDF

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EthnoMath Survey 2024

After reading the Consent Form PDF shown above, do you agree to participate in this survey? [A01]

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